Infrastructure Management

With over a decade of years experience within the organisation of managing IT platforms, allied with a high-quality Internet hosting environment, NM Solutions is able to offer Customers a cost-effective flexible Infrastructure Management solution.

NM Solutions datacentre based monitoring tools reaches out to the Customer platform to monitor any number of parameters, correlating the results into easy to read status reports and availability statistics.

Should a service fail, the monitoring platform is tailored to inform the right people using the right media. Methods such as SMS, email and even pre-recorded voice are implemented along with a time and day based rule base that ensures that the appropriate notification is utilised.

Secure connections to Customer services can be over either over a VPN or fixed line, where access over the Internet is inappropriate.

As an additional level of service, NM Solutions will take over the responsibility for the monitoring of the Customer platform either on a part-time, such as out-of-hours, or a full time basis. The full service includes invoking and maintenance contracts that the Customer has in place along with a full escalation process.

A full outsourced solution is also available should the Customer which to have the server equipment fully managed.